Tuesday 30 April 2013


Welcome to our brand new Venture SLC blog!  We wanted to create a space where current students, faculty, and alumni could keep in touch, post their poetry, stories, and other writing.  So start sharing!

Jeff N. (Abernathy)


  1. There is this really cool guy, who loves society, people, and lives to help and support our environment. He's swift as James Bond preserving the land from wrongful inhabitants greedy for profitable purposes. This type of man is what America needs, someone who is involved, concerned, and enjoys the land of the free. His name is Tim De Christopher, check him out, he's in the atmosphere.

  2. What's your take on the verdict on the Travonne Martin case, the young black kid from Florida that was murderer by an apartment security male? The good, the bad, and the ugly. What do you think about it?
